Saturday, 7 July 2018

A Time of Testing

There is much to be gained from the For Today style emails that are sent out by various 12 Step groups.  Sometimes they say something profound that I haven't yet read in my OA literature.  This morning was one of those days. 

As my body starts to respond the longer I follow a weigh and measure food plan, my mental distress seems to get louder.  It is as if, deep down, I fear that I am unsafe in this period of change.  I am not unsafe.  I am just reacting emotionally to change with some fear.  I am reminded that even dearly wanted change can be painful in both expected and unexpected ways.  Let go.  Let God.

This came from this morning:

Meditation for the Day

Painful as the present time may be; you will one day see the reason for it. You will see that it was not only testing, but also a preparation for the life-work that you are to do. Have faith that your prayers and aspirations will some day be answered. Answered in a way that perhaps seems painful to you but is the only right way. Selfishness and pride often make us want things that are not good for us. They need to be burned out of our natures. We must be rid of the blocks that are holding us back, before we can expect our prayers to be answered.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may be willing to go through a time of testing. I pray that I may trust God for the outcome.

Blessed be.