Saturday, 7 May 2016

Steps 1 and 12: Growing up in my Recovery by Strengthening Myself and Others

This week, I am working Step 1 and Step 12.  I have two, not one, new sponsees.  And I really want to do a good job, for me, for them, and to be a credit to my sponsor who has spent so much time, love and energy helping me.  I think I am learning how to "grow up" in this program and be of service to others.  I pray for guidance and humility as I learn by doing.

So, this is my first email to my two new sponsees.  I have met with both of them, talked about doing a step study and now this is my midweek follow up to confirm that I'm here for them, the focus of what we are doing, and to give them (and me) a nudge to do our recovery work.
...  This week we are looking at Step 1 – We admitted we were powerless over food – that our lives had become unmanageable.
So haul out that Big Book and read the Doctor’s Opinion!  What do you think about the doctor’s statement “their [compulsive overeating] life seems the only normal one.  They are restless, irritable and discontented, unless they can again experience the sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking [a few compulsive bites – food] which they see others taking with impunity”?  Is this your experience too?
Have a look at Lawrie’s questions in the step study.  We’re looking at our patterns of compulsive eating – so the what, the where and what triggers us.  If it helps, you can use the concentric circles of red food/activities/feelings, yellow food/activities/feelings, etc. to map it out. 
And if you want some fun in your recovery work (it can’t all be serious!), maybe think about creating a Pinterest board for all your inspiring quotes and bits and pieces of recovery.  On a day when you’re feeling low, it can be a big shot of inspiration to have a look through your own board, thoughts, etc.   If you want some instant gratification, you can see mine, I’ll send you the link in another message via Pinterest.   
Big hugs to you!  And if you’re struggling, that’s good.  That means you are working on change.  Remember our tools – writing, reading OA literature, etc etc and reaching out to other members!  If that seems impossible, maybe think of this:  “progress, not perfection”.  Try doing just the next right thing.  That’s all.  Some days, that’s all I can do.  But it works.

Blessed be.

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