Monday, 28 November 2016

Hope is the risk that must be run

Hope is the risk that must be run. - Georges Bernanos

The quote this morning is from French novelist and soldier, Georges Bernanos (1888-1948) who also wrote about spiritual exhaustion.  For today, hope is the risk that must be run.  This.  I have hope or I wouldn't be in OA.

Another quote by George Bernanos that resonates with me this morning:

“But I shall give less thought to the future, I shall work in the present. I feel such work is within my power. For I only succeed in small things, and when I am tried by anxiety, I am bound to say it is the small joys that release me.”  

Blessed be.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Slow progress is still progress...

There is no fruit which is not bitter before it is ripe. -- Publilius Syrus*
Experience is not acquired without bruises and pain.  That's why I say I am grateful to be a compulsive overeater.  Without the disease, I would not know of Overeaters Anonymous and the twelve step program of recovery, which has been called a blueprint for a sane and happy life.
To wish for the rewards of growth without having to go through the growing pains is futile.  Avoidance of pain stops growth cold; and when growth stops, regression is next.  Recovery calls for going through each step, feeling all the feelings and having the patience to wait for results.
For today, I accept with gratitude whatever progress I am making, however small.
This.  I have been frustrated with my progress being slow.  Better some than none.  I am grateful for all that I have today.  Tomorrow will look after itself.

Blessed be.

*83-42 BCE, born a Syrian slave, freed and educated in Italy, famous for his proverbs and improvisation.  Famous too for the sayings, "a rolling stone gathers no moss", "it is better to learn late than never", and "no man is happy who does not think himself so".

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Letting go of faults

When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them.  - Confucius
I did not deliberately choose my faults, but neither do I have to be afraid of letting them go.  I can establish what they are (I have many more faults than I am aware of) by taking steps four and five, and I can abandon them in steps six and seven.  What would any thinking person give for such simple, direct therapy.  And it doesn't cost a dime.
Do my faults include any of these:  sloth, bad temper, promiscuity, rudeness, dishonesty, child abuse, violence?  God, who loves me and want me to be free, will accept them all.
For today:  I need not be afraid to admit anything to God and to another person, under God's guidance.
Today feels hard.  I am struggling with my current state of health and I know I have to just accept what is.  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  So for today, I have been to the doctor and undergone painful treatment that does seem to help, long-term.  I have done a bit of service to my Intergroup.  I have reached out to my fellows.  I extended kindness to a friend.  And for things I cannot control, I made plans to ease the transition if and when I have to take control and make decisions.  Living my program as best I can.

Blessed be.