Monday, 7 November 2016

Slow progress is still progress...

There is no fruit which is not bitter before it is ripe. -- Publilius Syrus*
Experience is not acquired without bruises and pain.  That's why I say I am grateful to be a compulsive overeater.  Without the disease, I would not know of Overeaters Anonymous and the twelve step program of recovery, which has been called a blueprint for a sane and happy life.
To wish for the rewards of growth without having to go through the growing pains is futile.  Avoidance of pain stops growth cold; and when growth stops, regression is next.  Recovery calls for going through each step, feeling all the feelings and having the patience to wait for results.
For today, I accept with gratitude whatever progress I am making, however small.
This.  I have been frustrated with my progress being slow.  Better some than none.  I am grateful for all that I have today.  Tomorrow will look after itself.

Blessed be.

*83-42 BCE, born a Syrian slave, freed and educated in Italy, famous for his proverbs and improvisation.  Famous too for the sayings, "a rolling stone gathers no moss", "it is better to learn late than never", and "no man is happy who does not think himself so".

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