Monday, 30 November 2015

For Today - Chance, another name for God

November 30, 2015

Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when He did not want to sign.  - Anatole France

When I look back at my life, I have made some grand leaps of faith.  I have stumbled into ideas, people, places, and situations when I have needed to have them.  And sometimes before I knew I needed them. 

I am not certain I believe there is a "Grand Design" for my life in minute detail.  I am sure, however, that the Grand Design for my life is to grow, to love, to laugh, to rejoice in my humanness, and all that entails.  And that reflects a Higher Power than what I can do alone.  Just as I use a pseudonym on this blog, God is called many things.  The work is still mine.  And His.

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