Tuesday, 5 April 2016

For Today - Anxiety and Acceptance

I learned (at least) two things yesterday. 

First, that when I'm really anxious, I have an upset tummy and run a low fever. I'm not getting sick, it's not germs, I'm making myself sick with my emotional state.  Wow.  So my coping mechanism of treating myself as if I'm getting sick, having more naps, not going to the gym, eating for my upset tummy, etc are not helpful and just magnify my anxiety. 

Second, I learned that anger passes. And it is just part of my processing when I face consequences I don't like and can't get out of.  I have been really good at getting around difficulties except for my emotions and my weight/food issues.  And that has been extremely frustrating. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out a way.  The only way is acceptance.  Wow. 

Blessed be.

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