Thursday, 7 January 2016

For Today - Infinite

The Infinite Goodness has such wide arms that it takes whatever turns to it. - Dante Alighieri

This morning's reading starts with this lovely quote from Dante Alighieri (Italian, 1265-1321).  What a wonderful comfort.  My Higher Power is infinite, good and welcomes me in all things with open arms.  This is my conception of God.  The reading continues with this question:  Is there some deep, secret trouble I am withholding, even from my Higher Power?

Yes.  I think so.  I have not asked my Higher Power for help with the trauma I have carefully walled off.  When I think of it or speak of it, all I do is cry.  And I don't know exactly why.  I have long thought it is not important to know why.  Now, I realize that may be so but I still need to have help for it.  The counsellor talked this week about compartmentalizing my emotions and relying solely on intellect.  Or something like that. 

It's ok that I don't understand this grief, this unhappy, this core hurt.  But as the reading says, "God alone knows how badly I need help in all aspects of my life."  I realize this morning that I have asked for help with my compulsive eating and some of my character defects, mainly around control.  I haven't asked for help with my sadness, my grief, my fears.  I need to start talking to my Higher Power about all aspects of my life, not just some.

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