Friday, 30 December 2016

Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
This morning's reading in Voices of Recovery is focused on the Serenity Prayer.  I find this such a useful, grounding prayer.  The reading too is very helpful:
I was spending most of my energy on things I could not change, worrying, fretting, and trying to make them come out 'my' way.  Meanwhile, I was ignoring things that I could change, spinning my wheels where they did the least good.  No wonder I felt so much stress and self-loathing.
Now, when I find myself troubled by an issue or situation, I think about it while I say the Serenity Prayer.  If it is something I can change, I think of the steps I can take to begin to change, and I pray for the willingness to take action.  If it is something I cannot change, I turn it over to my Higher Power and pray for the willingness to accept it.  This exercise brings serenity to my life and helps me feel God's presence.
Yes.  This.  I am amazed when I look back on my actions to see how much of my energy is wasted and how I could do things that would be useful instead.  Serenity, courage, and wisdom.  I am learning these.

Blessed be.

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