Thursday, 18 February 2016

For Today - Plan of Eating

For today:  question #5 of the OA Slipping and Sliding is about plans of eating.  It asks:
What was my plan of eating in earlier efforts to work the program?  What is it now?  What changes do I need to make?
And it references a story in OAII where the author says her plan of eating initially was three 15 minute binges a day (It's Elementary, OAII, p.58).

My initial plan of eating was very complex, counting calories, ratios of protein/fat/carbohydrates, and limiting grams of sugar.  That was good in the sense I learned my body does better with more protein and fewer sugars.  It was not so good in that it was a diet mentality, reinforced by being weighed three times a week at the gym. It fed into my obsessive perfectionism and when the emotions got too much (as they inevitably did without a strong spiritual program) I would binge on sugary, fat, and salty things in large quantities until I felt sated, ill, and self hatred.

Now my plan of eating is three meals a day and one snack that I send to my food buddy the night before.  I try to have more protein, fewer simple carbs and sugars.  I have bread products much less than before.  And I have cut out my binge foods.  I have an honesty agreement with my food buddy that if I am making changes to my plan, I will text or email her first.

I also have added a lot more water.  I'm having 100 oz a day which is probably double what I was drinking before.  And I have 8 days of abstinence and the serenity that comes with not beating myself up with poor quality food.

Blessed be.

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