Saturday, 12 December 2015

For Today - taking Responsibility

Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Um, yep.  I want someone else to take me by the hand, do all the planning for my nutrition for me, and then make sure I follow through.  I would like to outsource this part of my life.  Then, I wouldn't have to deal with all the emotions and crap around my addiction. But that is a fantasy. The feelings won't go away; at best they go underground.  And that is a very tenuous "best"  if I am honest.

The only person who can sort this out is me.  While I am blessed with wonderful friends and family, when I binge, it's just me. Me and my Higher Power if I have the presence of mind to acknowledge my Higher Power's constant presence.  Obliterating my feelings and sense of self with food is something I do to myself.  And something I have to take responsibility for.  As The Promises say, the reason for my addiction is unimportant. What matters is what I do about it.

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